Course Uploaded on
Master of Business Administration (Agri-Business Management)-I  12-09-2024
Master of Business Administration (Agri-Business Management)-III 12-09-2024
Master of Business Administration (Digital Marketing)-I  12-09-2024
Master of Business Administration-I   12-09-2024
Master of Business Administration Semester -IV 28-06-2024
Master of Business Administration Semester -II 28-06-2024
Master of Computer Application-IV Semester 20-06-2024
Master of Business Administration (ABM)-II 20-06-2024
Master of Technology (Computer Science Engineering)-II 20-06-2024
Master of Technology (Data Science)-II 20-06-2024
Master of Technology (Mechanical Engineering)-II 20-06-2024
Master of Technology (Power Systems)-II 20-06-2024
Master of Technology (Production Engineering)-II 20-06-2024
Master of Technology (Renewable Energy)-II 20-06-2024
Master of Computer Application-II 20-06-2024
PHD Part Time(2022-23) 01-05-2024
PHD Full Time(2022-23) 01-05-2024
PHD Part Time(2021-22) 20-04-2024
PHD Full Time(2021-22) 20-04-2024
Master of Technology (Digital Communication)-I 23-03-2024
Master of Technology (Production Engineering)-I 23-03-2024
Master of Technology (Renewable Energy)-I 23-03-2024
Master of Business Administration-III 23-03-2024
Master of Computer Application-V 23-03-2024
Master of Computer Application Semester -VI 24-02-2024
Master of Computer Application-V 08-02-2024
Master of Technology (Material Science and Engineering)-I (MAIN) 06-01-2024
Master of Technology (Information Technology)-I (MAIN) 06-01-2024
Master of Technology (Power Systems)-I (MAIN) 06-01-2024
Master of Technology (Renewable Energy)-I (MAIN) 06-01-2024
Master of Technology (Production Engineering)-I (MAIN) 06-01-2024
Master of Technology (Digital Communication)-I (BACK PAPER) 06-01-2024
Master of Technology (Computer Science Engineering)-I (MAIN) 06-01-2024
Master of Technology (Mechanical Engineering)-I (MAIN) 06-01-2024
Chart for Master of Technology (Data Science)-I (MAIN) 06-01-2024
Master of Technology (Computer Science Engineering)-III 30-11-2023
Master of Technology (Digital Communication)-III 30-11-2023
Master of Technology (Data Science)-III 30-11-2023
Master of Technology (Geotechnical Engineering)-III 30-11-2023
Master of Technology (Mechanical Engineering)-III 30-11-2023
Master of Technology (Power Systems)-III 30-11-2023
Master of Technology (Production Engineering)-III 30-11-2023
Master of Technology (Renewable Energy)-III 30-11-2023
Master of Technology (Software Engineering)-III 30-11-2023
Master of Technology (Geotechnical Engineering)-IV 29-09-2023
Master of Technology (Production Engineering)-IV 29-09-2023

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  First Year  
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  Third Year